Friday 26 May 2017

Creating Corporate branding Design

A company rarely gets started up without a mission or goal in sight. Each company has an identity or unique service and way of dealing with clients and the public. The most effective way to tell the public and prospective clients about the organization is by attracting their attention and an easy method is through interesting images. This is where a corporate branding design comes in. A Brand Identity, as it is otherwise referred to, is the personality or facade of a company, including the logo, title and other images associated with marketing a company and its services. In other terms, the identity is known as the brand or trademark with its main objective to make the philosophy and goal of the corporation known so more clients can be obtained. One would find that a brand identity would be of utmost importance to a company and most companies would spend large amounts of money developing these identities, because it is ultimately a form of continual marketing and advertising. A corporate or brand identity should make the company distinguishable and recognizable.

A corporate identity is about presentation and making the business known. The identity also contributes to upholding the reputation of the company in order to convey a positive image to stakeholders both within and out of the company. It reinforces structure in the company and reliability is portrayed. One should not ignore the fact that the identity plays a vital role in providing identification and structure within a company, making employees recognizable and approachable for certain services.
The fundamental task a corporate identity designer is faced with is to create a character for a company or business: a character that portrays an image the company wants to send out and a starting point for a prosperous relationship between client and company. It should be a character clients and the everyday public can identify with: a character they would want to know more about.
An identity includes the design of logos, company colors and even uniforms, communication in the form of marketing and information, as well as philosophy, which refers to values and thoughts in the company. To develop a corporate identity means to combine design, management and business culture. It is thus not surprising to see how corporate identity changes as styles, times and fashion changes. For example, US company Chermayeff & Geismar who were the first to incorporate modernist ideas into corporate identity design. It is important for the management and design team of a company to consider current styles and target market when developing the identity.
The inspiration behind a corporation’s identity, however, starts with the example management sets and the initial goals that are set for the company. A positive managerial example leads to a positive corporate identity. A design should convey the heart of a company and should tell the story behind the company. It should truthfully express what the company wants to achieve and contribute. A prospective client should recognize a company by its identity and want to be a part of the company.
Creative Designs is a flexible website development and graphic design company based in Johannesburg, South Africa, specializing in the development, design and marketing of websites, custom content management system, e-commerce solutions, graphic design, corporate identity design as well as in establishing an internet presence for your company. We focus on creating custom solutions that bring our clients tangible and measurable results to help grow their business and enhance their brand.

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