According to the latest usage statistics posted on, over 91% of all websites use JavaScript coding as a client-side
programming language. There are also a number of programmers who prefer writing
both client-side and server-side code in JavaScript. However, the developers
have to rely on frameworks like Node.js to use JavaScript for server-side
development. JavaScript can effectively handle large-scale and complex
enterprise applications.
Why JavaScript can
handle Complex Enterprise Applications Effectively?
Simplify Composition
of Complex Enterprise Applications
The programmers can easily speedup development of a complex
enterprise application by simplifying its composition. JavaScript libraries
make it easier for programmers to simplify the composition of complex business
applications by creating shadow DOM boundaries. The Shadow DOM make web
browsers to generate and deliver documents using common HTML tags like div,
select and input. In addition to decoupling the components of individual
JavaScript frameworks, the shadow DOM will further facilitate seamless
communication between the components. Thus, JavaScript will help programmers to
maintain and manage effectively by simplifying their composition.
Responsive Web Design
Many surveys have highlighted that a large percentage of
people nowadays access websites on their mobile devices. Likewise, a gradual
increase is being noted in the number of organizations implementing bring your
own device (BYOD) policies. So the businesses need to ensure that the
enterprise application delivers quality user experience across different
devices. As a modern website design technique, responsive web design helps
businesses to make their web-based enterprise deliver quality user experience
across a variety of devices. But responsive web design emphasizes on usage of
open technologies like HTML5, JavaScript and CSS3.
Isomorphic Application Development
Many businesses nowadays opt for isomorphic JavaScript development to create web applications that
deliver richer user experience across many devices. The programmers also find
it easier to manage, update and maintain the isomorphic JavaScript
applications. The development model requires programmers to write both
client-side and server-side code in JavaScript. As the entire code base is
developed using a single programming language, it becomes easier for developers
to manage and update without putting any extra time and effort.
Transpilers to
Simplify JavaScript Programming
JavaScript was originally designed as a client-side
scripting language of web browsers. So it lacks some of the advanced features
provided by modern programming languages like Java or C#. But the developers
still have option to use a number of transpilers to simplify JavaScript
programming. The users also have option to choose from a number of transpilers
including CoffeeScript, TypeScript, DukeScript and Vaadin. These tools make it
easier for programmers to add functionality to the enterprise application by
making the workflow complex. These transpilers further make JavaScript
effective in handling a variety of modern enterprise applications.
Availability of Many
JavaScript Frameworks
Some of these JavaScript frameworks are robust and
fully-featured, whereas others are simple. The programmers can use large
frameworks like Angular and Ember to add functionality to the enterprise
application rapidly. At the same time, they also have option to use lightweight
libraries like React to accomplish a specific task efficiently. Also, they can
use specialized tools like Node.js to use JavaScript as a server-side
programming language. At the same time, they can avail tools like NPM to
install and manage the JavaScript libraries used by the enterprise application
smoothly and effectively.
On the whole, a business has option to use JavaScript for
developing both frontend and backend of the enterprise applications. It can
further curtail the development time and cost significantly by deploying
full-stack developers to write both client-side and server-side code in
JavaScript. However, the programmers will need a variety of JavaScript
libraries, tools and frameworks to create more efficiently.
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